1891 City Directory "A"
This city directory information may contain spellings of surnames that are not as we know them to be today. As we do our genealogy research, one must remember the education level of the person who gathered the information and the person who gave the information. There were also other factors to consider of these individuals. One of those factors is that they may not have been familiar with the ethnic group of which they were interviewing. The differences in languages plays a large role in the different spellings you will see.
For the best results in your search, please check all possible spellings (including phonetic spellings) of the surnames you are interested in. My last name today is known as "Lothringer." During my 20+ years of genealogy research, I have found at least 10-15 spelling variations of that surname. Some were not even close to the original.
I want to thank Myra B. and Barbara G. for all of their time and hard work in putting this together. They did it solely so you could be able to access this information via the Bexar County site.
The format you will see for each letter of the alphabet is: last name, first name, occupation and residence. If you see "(c)", this notates an African-American individual.
Aaron, Hattie (Miss), seamstress for Mrs. Dora Smith, h. 317 N. San
Abbey, Charles E., general solicitor & collector, h 612 Indianola
Abbey, Mary M.(Mrs.), agt. fire insurance, 402 E. Houston, T 363, b
813 Main Ave
Abbott, Thomas H., dealer in leather and shoe findings, boots, shoes
and uppers, 17 Soledad, h 305 Ave C
Abernathy, William, painter, h 221 Acequis
Able, A.C., carp Snodgrass & Cade, h. Govt Hill
Ables , Joseph, carp, h cor. St. Mary & Martin
Abraham, John, Dairy Kitchen Lunch Counter (Abraham & Smith), h 222
Abraham & Smith, (John Abraham & Frank Smith), lunch counter, 222 Dolorosa
Abrahams, Samuel, (c), h 527 Ellis
Abram, Sam, (c) driver Wilson & Rote, h 527 Ellis
Achtzehn, Oswald, sausage maker W. Hoefling & Son, h 511 Ave C
Acker, Henry, miller Guenther's Lower Mill, b 22 King William
Acker, Mollie (Miss), teacher, h 10 Lewis
Ackermann, John A., n/a, h 301 Live Oak
Ackermann, Louis, boarding house & shoemaker, h 706 W. Commerce
Acme Saloon, Thurmond & Hughes (propr), n/a, 222 E. Houston
Acosta, Berita, barber F. Acosta, h cor. San Marcos and Matamoras
Acosta, Dolores (Mrs.), n/a, h 701 S. Frio
Acosta, Feliciano, barber, 32 Military Plaza, h cor San Marcos & Matamoras
Acosta, Juan, n/a, h San Fernando cor Concho & San Saba
Acosta, Nocento, blacksmith, r. cor San Fernando & San Saba
Acosta, Refugio, barber, h 320 Military Plaza
Acourta, Rosario, n/a, h 317 Zavalla
Adam, Jr., Anton, bell boy Menger hotel, h 227 Blum
Adam, Sr., Anton, notary public justice of the peace precinct #1, h
227 Blum
Adam, Charles, carp, h 227 Blum
Adam, John, gardener, cor Plum & Iowa
Adams, Emiline D.(Mrs.), boarding house, h 237 Acequia
Adams, Fannie, n/a, r 306 S. San Saba
Adams, Flora K. (Mrs.), director Protestant Home for Destitute Children,
h 331 Martin
Adams, Hardin B., capitalist Adams & Wickes, h 209 Alamo Plaza
Adams, Henry A., n/a, h ___ Mitchell
Adams, House, H. Young prop., n/a, 29 N. Flores
Adams, Jay E., real estate, h ___ Mistletoe Ave
Adams, J.B., fireman G.H. & S.A.Ry., h 324 Austin
Adams, John, gardener, cor Plum & Iowa
Adams, John O., lab, h. N Brazos between Ruiz & Lopez
Adams, Lizzie (Miss), (c), h 417 N. San Saba
Adams, Lee A., real estate, 209 Alamo Plaza
Adams, Lemuel, emp., S.A. & A.P. depot
Adams, Leonard, (c) porter S.A. & A.P. Ry, frt depot, h cor Lovers Lane
& Probandt
Adams, Maria, (c), b 716 Ave C
Adams, Mary A. (Mrs.), n/a, h 216 San Luis
Adams, Nancy , (c) washer & ironer, h 417 N. San Saba
Adams, Phips, (c) cook Star Restaurant, h cor Cameron & W. Commerce
Adams, Richard, n/a, h 17 Travis
Adams, Susie, (c) waiter San Antonio & Aransas Pass hotel, b. same
Adams, T. T., frt condr G.H. & S. A. Ry, r. 825 Ave C
Adams, Walter, carp, h 818 Perez
Adams, Walter B., n/a, h 23 Soledad
Adams & Wickes, (Hardin B. Adams & Edwin D.L. Wickes) , capitalists
& real estate, 208 Alamo Plaza
Adams, W. R., messenger Wells Fargo exp Co., r. cor Ave E & Third
Addicks, Anita (Mrs.), n/a, h 906 Salado
Addicks, Jesus, n/a, h 906 Salado
Addicks, Natividad, lab, h cor Colorado & Lopez
Adels, Joseph, clothing, h 302 Lexington
Adicks, Jesus, butcher Antonio H. Quintero, h Salado between Ruiz &
Adkins, E. W. , mail messenger, h 209 Burnet
Adkins, William, boarding house, h ____ Probandt
Adler, Fritz, machine apprentice Alamo Iron Works, h 315 Nevada
Adriance, Henry T., clk W. B. McMillan, b. Park ave & Lewis
Aguilar, Paulina, baker, h 221 s. Laredo
Aguilar, Augustin, prop Washington Theater Restaurant, h 523 S. Concho
Aguilar, Dorotha, n/a, h 219 S. Frio
Aguilar, Marcilino, n/a, h. 221 S. Laredo
Aguilar, Pamfilio, n/a, h 224 S. East
Aguilla, Nellie, waiter Mrs. Jertrudes Bijar, h 4 N. Laredo
Agillarez, Palachia, n/a, h 219 S. Frio
Aguira, Rafael, n/a, h 553 S. Concho
Aguira, Rosa A. (Mrs.), dressmkr, h 211 Matamoras
Aguirrez, Juan A., watchmkr, h 12 S. Laredo
Aguirrez, Ramon, n/a, h 203 N. Laredo
Ahnasi, Guiseppe, butcher George Jagge, n/a
Ahr , August, saloon keeper, cor W. Commerce and N. Frio
Ahr & Bro., saloon, n/a, 525 Buena Vista
Ahr, Jr., Joseph, corker San Antonio Brewing Ass'n, h. W. Commerce nr
Alazan creek
Ahr, Sr., Joseph, driver San Antonio Brewing Ass'n, h. San Luis between
S. Colorado & S. San Marcos
Ahr, Louis, saloon keeper Ahr & Bro., h 525 Buena Vista
Affleck, Henry S., canvasser Singer Mfg Co, b 25 Presa
Ahr, Theodore, saloon keeper, 614 W. Houston, h 602 W. Houston
Aickenhorst, Henry, n/a, h cor Nevada & S. Walnut
Aiken, Charles M., fruit commission, 235 E. Houston, T 1, h. cor Main
& Poplar
Aikman, Albert E., engr I & G.N.R.R., b. 1600 W. Commerce
Ainsworth, Daniel H. , ranchman, b. Alamo Flats
Ainsworth, D.E., fireman G.H. & S.A Ry., b Tremount House
Akers, Oliver, n/a, 246 N. Center
Alabama Lodging House, n/a, n/a, 29 to 33 Acequia
Alaman, Zenaddo, lab, h 318 N. Concho
Alameda, Jose, ranchman, H 9 Arceinega
Alameda, Juan A., expressman, h. 9 Arcienega
Alamo Book Store, J. Ward prop., n/a, 253 W. Commerce
Alamo Brewing Ass'n, n/a, n/a, cor W. Houston & Cameron
Alamo Cement Co., n/a, n/a, 207 & 209 Acequia, T 371
Alamo City Business College, W.C. Buckman, prop, n/a, cor Alamo & Commerce
Alamo Cornice Works, Vodrie & Co. prop, n/a, 31 W. Commerce
Alamo Fire Insurance Co., n/a, n/a, cor College & Navarro, T 439
Alamo Flats, N.T. Ayers prop, n/a, 217 to 223 Alamo Plaza
Alamo German-English School, L. Blumenfeld, principal, n/a, 18 Crockett
Alamo Heights Land & Improvement Co., n/a, n/a, 427 E. Houston
Alamo Iron Works, Geo. Holmgreen & Sons propr, n/a, cor Santa Clara,
Montana & S. Walnut
Alamo Lodge Saloon, E. Barry & Co. props, n/a, cor Zavalla & N. San
Alamo Mission Bldg., Thos. Rife custodian, n/a, cor Alamo Plaza and
E. Houston
Alamo Oil Co., R. L. Innis prop, n/a, 237 E. Houston
Alamo Restaurant, Schmitz & Motsch props, n/a, 208 Alamo Plaza
Alamo Select School, Miss Virginia Rossy, principal, n/a, 210 Crockett
Alamo Steam Laundry, C.D. Brogden & Co. props, n/a, 228 Dolorosa
Alamo Tin Shop, August Peters prop, n/a, 309 E. Houston
Alamo Trunk Factory, H. Vogler & Co. props, n/a, 223 Alamo Plaza
Alamo Electric Street Railway Co., n/a, n/a, office cor Martin & Navarro
Alamo Wood Co, n/a, n/a, Nolan at G.H. & S.A. Ry crossing
Alasado, Louisa (Miss), n/a, h 352 S. Laredo
Alasat, Francisca (Miss), waiter Tomasa Alasat, h 9 S. Laredo
Alazan Meat Market, Geo. Jagge prop, n/a, 424 N. Leona
Albers, August, barber, h 27 Lafitte
Albers, Gayhart, n/a, b 1017 Austin
Albers, Gustave, barber Gus & Chris Barber Shop, h 1017 Austin
Albers, William, n/a, h 1019 Austin
Alberthal, Adolph, tailor, h cor Virginia & Labor
Alberthal, John A., carp, h cor Ruiz & Lakeview Ave
Alberthal, Louis, carp, h 1305 N. Laredo
Albert's Saloon, A. Friedrich prop, n/a, 223 Dolorosa
Albertson, Edward J., office boy Young & Arnold, h cor Elm & Dawson
Albertson, Ellen (Mrs.), n/a, h 7 Dawson
Albertson, James C., clk Dowling & Flood, h 7 Dawson
Albertson, Thomas, apprentice Morgan & co., h 420 Bowie
Alberty, Hannah (Mrs.), n/a, b 128 Lachapelle
Albrecht, Augustus, n/a, h 9 Bonham
Albrecht, Charles, n/a, 9 Bonham
Albrecht, Maria, n/a, h 12 Turner
Alburger, Jesse J., harness mkr L. Frank, r 23 South
Alcarez, Abraham, boot & shoe mkr Espiridion Cruz, h. 12 S. Laredo
Aldana, Dominga (Mrs.), restaurant, 412 Dolorosa h. same
Aldareta, Carmen (Mrs.), n/a, h 429 Perez
Alder, Arthur, n/a, h 419 Austin
Alder, Charles, n/a, h 419 Austin
Alder, Minnie (Miss), saleswoman Joske Bros., h 710 Burleson, Dignowity
Alderetta, Carmina, n/a, h. 429 Perez
Alderetta, Francisco, n/a, h 405 S. Concho
Aldridge, Eliza, n/a, h 29 Maverick Grove
Aldridge, Louise, n/a, h 216 Hildalgo
Aleano, Juan, n/a, h 611 San Marcos
Alef, S. W., driver Moffett, Raymond & Co., h Fredericksburg Road
Alesander, Manuel, emp Cesario Torres, b 201 Morales
Alexander, Abraham S., n/a, h 900 Main ave
Alexander, Amanda J., n/a, h. 13 Pecan
Alexander, Arch A., cashier Texas National Bank, h 421 Oakland
Alexander, Charlotte, n/a, b cor Macon & Jackson
Alexander, David M., insurance (Chas. L. Sauer & Co.), r. 19 Soledad
Alexander, David S., n/a, h 230 Marshall
Alexander, Elijah, (c) driver L. Wolfson, h 481 N Flores
Alexander, Fanny, (c), h 481 N. Flores
Alexander, Hal, (c) emp. Shafer & Braden, h alley between Crockett &
Alexander, Herman, office boy Maverick Printing House, h. __ Santa Clara
Alexander, John S., president Texas National Bank, b. San Antonio Club
Alexander, Julia (Mrs.), (c) washing t& ironing, h 902 Buena Vista
Alexander, Lannie (Miss), --, h 232 Ave C
Alexander, Lena, forewoman Geo. Caen, h. __ Santa Clara
Alexander, Lola (Miss), saleswoman Haas & Oppenheimer, h 203 Crockett
Alexander, Lucy E. (Mrs.), --, h 818 Ave D
Alexander, M, (c) secy Alamo Lodge 4108 K of L, h 201 Lombrano
Alexander, Mary M., (c) washwoman, h 201 Lombrano
Alexander, Michael G. Prof, teacher, h 232 Ave C
Alexander, Robert B., --, h 230 Marshall
Alexander, Rosa (wid George), --, h Santa Clara between Montana & Wyoming
Alexander, Sarah (Mrs.), boarding house, 232 Ave C
Alexander, Wesley , (c) --, h 52 Santos
Alexander, William, emp I & G N frt. depot, h 201 Lombrano
Alexander, William , (c)--, h 481 N. Flores
Alexander, William B., (c), h Lombrano between San Marcos & Colorado
Alexander, William C., (c) boiler maker helper G.H. & S.A. Ry shops,
h Cherry between Crockett and Star
Alfaro, Jesusita, --, h 246 S. Laredo
Alford , Leonard B., --, h 4 Fest
Alino, Leandro, --, h 313 N San Saba
Allaire, W.H., 1st lieut. 23d inft U.S.A., h Govt Hill
Allan, S.A., barber (Bryant & Allan), h 429 Austin
Allbright, Benjamin R., --, h 213 S. Alamo
Allbright, Otto W., --, h 309 Soledad
Allbright, Wiley, --, h 112 La Capelle
Alleaud , Marcial, --, h 710 S Pecos
Alleaud, Paul, --, h 710 S Pecos
Alleboch, N. V., engr G.H. & S.A. Ry, h 312 Grand ave
Allen, Alexander, (L. Allen & Sons), building supplies, h 202 Ave B
Allen, Annie, (c), h 52 Santos
Allen, B., brakeman G.H. & S.A. Ry, h 422 Ave D
Allen, Benj F, (c) bkpr Old Gray Mule, h 304 N. Frio
Allen, Dave, (c), h __ San Marcos
Allen , George, (c), h 16 Perez
Allen, George, (c) porter J.C. Hudebaker, h 701 Buena Vista
Allen, Henry P., --, h Cypress between Maverick & Lewis
Allen, James, capt 3rd cavalry U.S.A., Govt Hill
Allen, J.B., clk S.A. & A.P. Ry frt office, h __ Sherman
Allen, Julia, (c), h 1007 W. Commerce
Allen, Loyal W., (L. Allen & Son) builder's supplies, h 202 Ave B
Allen, L. & Son, L. W. & Alex Allen, builders supplies, 5 N Presa
Allen, Sterling, (c), h 509 Austin
Allen, Walter, waiter Souther Hotel, b. same
Allen, Wilbur J., music store, 320 E. Houston
Allen, William, (c) lab, h 313 N. Concho
Allen, W. J. (Mrs.), teacher of piano, h 320 E. Houston
Allensworth, Emma E. (Miss), teacher public school No. 2, h 44 Macon
Allensworth, George, clk Goldfrank Frank & Co., h 44 Macon
Aller, William, dishwasher Abraham & Smith, h 222 Dolorosa
Allerman, Aaron, peddler, h 914 W. Houston
Alley, R.D., fireman G.H. & S.A. Ry, h 238 Oak
Alling, E.B., real estate 425 E. Houston, h 303 Ave E
Allison, William H., fireman I & G N R R, b 1600 W. Commerce
Allstot, J. B., brakeman G.H. & S.A. Ry, b 912 Ave C
Allunis, Felix, (c) cook Blue Front Restaurant, h 455 Fredericksburg
Almaza, Joe, emp City, h 319 N East
Alphonse, Arlington, prop Western Tin Cornice Works, h 119 Marshall
Alsbury, Edward P., journalist, h 210 Ave C
Alsbury, Fanny H. (Mrs.), --, h 214 Ave C
Altgelt, August E., attorney at law and notary public 3 Devine bldg,
h 232 Camargo
Altgelt, George C., attorney at law 33 Soledad, h 77 Mill
Altmann, Adolph, (Zevin & Altmann) San Antonio Marble Works, 212 E.
Commerce, h 710 Ave E
Altmann, Francisca (Mrs.) (wid Anton), --, h 710 Ave E
Altmann, Gustav, manager D. Heye, h 240 Bowie
Alvarado, Juan, lab, h 1035 San Fernando
Alvarado, Petra, cook, h 329 S. Flores
Alvarado, Salome, --, b 1035 San Fernando
Alvarez, Bernave, blacksmith, h 415 Perez
Alvarez, Francisco, sr, h 415 Perez
Alvarez, Justa (Miss), --, h 415 Perez
Alvarez, Narcisa (Miss), --, h 415 Perez
Alvord, Henry H., San Antonio Brick & Yard and Alvord Pain Co, h cor
W Commerce & Nueces, Prospect Hill
Alvord Paint Co., Trinity between Hildalgo & Perez, (owners: HH Alvord,
JJ Perfater, WH Whistler, --
Amann, Clodie (Miss), emp Mrs. M Bastain, b 301 Blum
Amann, Jacob, packer U.S.Q.M. Dept, b 418 San Pedro Ave
Ambler, Andrew S., real estate, 407 E. Houston, b 319 Jackson
American Building Loan & Investment Society, M.M. Mooney & Co., agts
, 414 E. Houston
American Cement Co., Wm. Reeves Manager, --, 22 Nueva
Amesquite, Jose, dishwasher Elite Restaurant, h 316 San Saba
Amundsen, Christian, local clrk Alamo Fire Ins. Co., b Alamo between
E. Nueva & Arcinega
Anderson, Adele (Miss), sewing Miss Nolan, b 230 Barrera
Anderson, Alexander P., carp, h 316 Acequia
Anderson, Amelia (Mrs.), (c) , h 407 Obraje
Anderson, Andrew, baggage driver Carter & Mullaly, b 14 Crockett
Anderson, Annie T. (Miss), --, h 212 Hidalgo
Anderson, Artiff, foreman F. F. Collins Mfg Co, h 28 Kingsbury
Anderson, August, butcher George Jagge, h 426 N. Leona
Anderson, Carrie (Miss), --, h 615 S. San Saba
Anderson, Cecil May (Miss), --, h 224 Blum
Anderson, Emily (Miss), --, h 230 Barrera
Anderson, George, --, h 212 Hidalgo
Anderson, George, emp Abraham & Smith, h 322 Acequia
Anderson, Harry F., dispatcher G H & S A Ry, --
Anderson, Henry, (c) lab, h 508 Zavalla
Anderson, James, chartered accountant (Scotland), accountant and cashier
Texas Land & Cattle Co, 11 E Houston, h cor E Commerce & Grimes
Anderson, Jane (Mrs.), --, h 212 Hidalgo
Anderson, Jane E. (Mrs.), --, h 230 Barrera
Anderson, Jefferson, --, h 316 Blum
Anderson, Joe L., --, h 537 S. Laredo
Anderson, John J., carp, b 400 Colorado Ave West end
Anderson, Kenneth L., clk, h 17 Kingsbury
Anderson, Leonard, --, h 212 Hidalgo
Anderson, Margaret, seamstress Rosa E. Nehr, h 28 Kingsbury
Anderson, Malcolm, collector M. G. Anderson, h 212 Hidalgo
Anderson, Malcom G., atty at law, h 212 Hidalgo
Anderson, Mary, stenographer Lone Star Brewery, b 419 Alamo Flats
Anderson, Robert D., civil engr, b 419 San Pedro
Anderson, Robert E., --, h 212 Hidalgo
Anderson, Theodore, --, h 212 Hidalgo
Anderson, Theodore, blacksmith Strother Bumbrey, b __ Sanchez
Anderson, Trinidad (Miss), --, h 212 Hidalgo
Anderson, Wm B., mdse broker 251 West Commerce, h 19 Jackson
Andrae, Fred, clk L. Huth & Son, b __ Nueva
Andreae, Otto W., watchmaker Bell Bros, h 359 Acequia
Andrew, C.C., waiter Southern Hotel, b same
Andrews, Ed. A., bkpr, h 317 Pecan
Andrews, Edward, cash boy A. Bennett, h 423 Milam
Andrews, J. Rudy, watchmaker Critzer Bros, r 246 W. Commerce
Andrews, H. B., real estate (Andrews & Fry), h Govt Hill
Andrews & Fry, real estate H.B. Andrews AJ Fry, --, 2 W. Commerce
Andrews, Kittie (Miss), --, b 501 S. Concho
Andrews, M.E., bkpr Slayden & Clarkson, h 317 Pecan
Andrews, Robert W., Gen Pass Agt SA & AP Ry, h __ Dallas
Andrews, Rosa, laundress Texas Steam Laundry, h 423 Milam
Andrews, Thomas, Shoemaker S. B. Mitchell, h 423 Milam
Andrews, William, (c) actor Old Gray Mule, r 701 W. Commerce
Angle, George W., receiver Brazos Deep Water Co., h 405 Soledad
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Assoc., refrigerator, Paul Wagner agt., --, cor
S Medina & Matamoras
Aniol, Jacob, carp, h 317 Goliad
Aniol, John, brtdr H. Watzlavzick, h Dignowity Hill
Ankerson, Alfred, clk R. G. Dun & Co's mercantile agency, h 1 Travis
Ankerson, Ed., clk William Campbell, h 1 Travis
Ankerson, George P., slsmn Joske Bros, h 1 Travis
Ankerson, Otto, bkpr Tips & Haarmann, h 1 Travis
Ankerson, Peter W., brakeman I & G N Ry, h 601 Perez
Anthonie, Christian W., barber Gus & Chris' barber shop, h 237 Narp
App, Charles, driver San Antonio Brewing Assoc., h __ Josephine
Appel, August, stone mason, h 210 Center
Apple, Edward, stone cutter-John Myers, h 310 Sixth
Appleby, Arthur E., condr G H & S A Ry , h 214 N. Cherry
Appleby, John W., brakeman G H & S A Ry, h 214 N Cherry
Appler, Jules A., adv agt Daily Light, h 301 Ave B
Applewhite, Andrew S., slsmn T.C. Applewhite, h 17 Fest
Applewhite, Stephen M., physician & surgeon, h 3 Belvin
Applewhite, Thomas C., live stock commission 1100 S Flores, h 17 Fest
Appmann, Ernestina (Mrs.) (wid George), --, h 216 Narp
Appmann, William, clk John U. Bodenmann, h 216 Narp
Apuon, John, butcher-meat market, h N Laredo cor Lopez
Aradondo, Miguel, buggy washer Robinson & Evans, h 112 N Concho
Avalor, Paulno, bakery, h 221 S Laredo
Aransas Pass Drug Store, Thos J Spellessy prop, --, 641 S Flores
Arbeiter Verein Hall, L.S. Toft prop., --, 248 E. Commerce
Arcos, Crecencio, --, r 323 S Laredo
Areata, Manuel, compositor El Regidor, h 6 S Laredo
Arfman, Frederick, slsmn H. Harms, h 821 Eighth
Arlington, Gail (Miss), --, b 212 S Concho
Arlington, Gracie (Miss), --, b 503 S San Saba
Armbruster, Joseph, employee San Antonio Brewing Assoc, r 217 Oak
Armisquita, Felix, waiter Southern Hotel, b same
Armistead, Bessie, music teacher , b 11 S Frio
Armster, Moses A., (c) restaurant 39 & 39 1/2 Alamo Plaza, --
Armstrong, Edward, mechanic Snodgrass & Cade, h 15 N Pecos
Armstrong, Ernest, horticulturist John N. Armstrong, h 15 N Pecos
Armstrong, Ezra B., compositor Daily Express, b 206 Ave B
Armstrong, John N., horticulturist, h 15 N. Pecos
Armstrong, John W., chief land dep't S A & A P Ry Co, h 12 Rusk
Armstrong, Lincoln, train porter I & GN Ry, b 515 W. Houston
Armstrong, Lucy B., milliner, Helen M. Quinlan, h 15 N Pecos
Armstrong, Nettie (Mrs.), --, h 12 Rusk
Arnaud, Eli, meat market, Stall 1 main market, h 918 W Commerce
Arnold, A., clk city depot San Antonio Brewing Association, b __ Galan
Arnold, August, junk dealer, h 313 Burnett
Arnold, C.A., teacher public school No. 4, h cor Mason & Hackberry
Arnold, Charles E., asst casher Lockwood National Bank, h cor Starr
and Marion
Arnold, Eugene C., mens' furnishings goods (Young & Arnold), h 67 Utica
Arnold, Henry C., eng'r SA & SP Ry, h 517 S. Laredo
Arnold, Heman, meat market, h 206 Camargo
Arnold , Jennie C. (Miss), --, h cor Pennsylvania and Lake Aves., West
Arnold, John, wook broker, b 211 Bowie
Arnold, Joseph, porter Hummel & Son, h 218 Star
Arnold, Minnie (Miss), actress Washington theatre, h 10 Salinas
Arnold, Sam C., eng'r I & GN Ry, h 1104 W. Houston
Arnold, T.W., contractor, h 222 Carmargo
Arocha, Antonio, teamster, h 205 N Laredo
Arocha, Line, asst jailer co jail, h 324 S. Flores
Arocha, Ignacio, lab, r 205 N Laredo
Arocha, Julius, lab, h 422 N Concho
Arrelano, Harry, head cook St. Leonard Hotel, b same
Arrora, Juan, lab, city, r 315 N Concho
Arstein , Benjamin, bkpr Efron & Co, r 234 Rusk
Arthar, Gail B., (c) brtdr Mrs. T.C. Claiborne, r 25 Alamo Plaza
Artzt, Christian G., notary public and saloon keeper, 25 Soledad, h
432 Romana
Artzt, Theodore, musician, h 309 Acequia
Aschbacher, George, soda water manufactory (Ochs & Aschbacher), h 207
Ascher, Saphronia (Mrs), --, h 1048 San Fernando
Ashford, Burt, furniture 7 W Houston, h 535 Mesquite
Ashford, James A., bkpr West End Lumber Yard, h 511 St. Mary
Ashford, Victor, clk West End Lumber Yard, h 511 St. Mary
Ashley, Charles, emp C.J. Hatch, h 405 Ave D
Ashley, Joseph W., blacksmith's apprentice GH & SA Ry shop, h 618 Ave
Ashley, Louis J., butcher & commission mcht (Lyford, Tuffly & Co), r
Nogolitos nr Keller
Ashley, Mary (Mrs.), dressmaker, b 801 Ave C
Ashton, John, hack driver, h 1702 W Commerce
Atherton, Annie (Miss), box mkr Maverick Printing House, h __ Palmetto
Athy, M, shoe store 535 Austin, h same
Atkins, John C., plumber & gasfitter cor Nolan & Cherry, h 20 Ave D
Atkinson, Mattie (Miss) (wid Wm.), --, h 1015 W Commerce
Atkison, Fannie M. (Mrs.), seamstress, h 407 S. Frio
Atlanta building & Loan Assn., 9 Soledad blk, Bach & Cox agnts, --
Atwater, Henry P., naturalist, h 9 Fest
Aubrey, Henry M., manager S.A. Real Estate Exchange, h cor Ave B & 9th
Aubrey, William, attorney at law, 3 Kampmann bldg, h 1018 San Pedro
Aue, Randolph, bkpr Ronse & Wahlstab, r 290 Lavaca
Augustine, Zenia, (c) lab, h 810 Macon
Austin, Charles S., secy & treas F.F. Collins Mfg Co., h 301 Augusta
Austin, Edwin S., (c) barber shop 267 W Commerce, h 920 W Commerce
Austin, Robert, --, r 249 S Laredo
Autrey, Della (Miss), --, h 1703 W. Commerce
Autrey, James S., exp wagon, h 1703 W Commerce
Autrey, Larry A., expressman, h 1703 W. Commerce
Autrey, Maxie M., expressman, h 1703 W. Commerce
Autrey, William E., brakeman I & GN Ry, h 1703 W Commerce
Avant, Andrew J., sanitary inspector, h cor S Flores & Camp.
Avard, F.A., physician & surgeon, 402 E Houston, h 563 N Flores
Aveline, James O., cashboy, h 222 Dwyer Ave.
Aveline, Sofia C. (Mrs), rooms to rent, h 222 Dwyer Ave
Avent, William, helper Joseph McNeel & Son, h cor S. Flores & Camp.
Avey, O.M., contractor, h 325 Camargo
Ayala, Charles, wheelwright Fred H. Vollrath, h __ Cassiano
Aycock, Burrell L., attorney at law, h 104 River Ave
Aycock, Emmett G., driver street railway, h 104 River Ave
Aycock, J.H., prest Amalgated Ass'n of Liars, h 618 Ave D
Aydlett, James K., slsmn Jacob Dullnig, h 332 Soledad
Aydlett & Locke, jobbers, cor Navarro & Houston, --
Ayer, Edward, engr I & GN Ry, h 815 N Comal
Ayers, Atlee B., draughtsman B.F. Trester, Jr., b. Alamo Flats
Ayers, Nathan T., prop Alamo Flats, h 225 Alamo Plaza
Aylar , Charles, lab, h __ Cassiano