1891 Fugitives from Justice

Full scanned list of all counties is online here.

Aultrong, John. Assault to kill.
Balfour, J. R. Assault to kill and murder.
Bangs, Ed. Theft over $20.
Brown, Ed. Assault to kill and murder.
Brown, T. W. Theft of horse. Age 35 years; height 6 feet; weight 175 pounds; color light, eyes brown; hair brown.
Castillo, Pedro. Assault to kill and murder. Age 22 years; height 5 feet 7 inches; Mexican; complexion light; eyes dark; hair dark; has light colored mustache; speaks some English; has a brother living at San Marcos, Hays county, Texas, by the name of Ignacio Castillo.
Daniel, L. E. Swindling over $20.
Fitts Or Fritts, Joe. Assault to kill and murder. Height 5 feet 10 inches; weight 170 pounds; color white; complexion light or red face; hair light brown; occupation hotel and restaurant and scalper in railroad tickets; wore light sandy mustache but blacked it; has red face; round and heavy through the shoulders; when walking lans head well forward; has folks living in Montague county, Texas; was in company with a variety woman; was seen in Fort Worth; was in trouble with some woman at Fort Worth in 1889; he formerly kept hotel at Bonham, Texas.
Heinzen, Chas A. Theft over $20. Age 55 years; height 5 feet 8 inches; weight 150 pounds; color white; hair sandy brown; occupation sewing machine repairer and goes with box of tools under arm. Stoop shoulders; heavy drinker; large red nose; small sandy mustache; upper teeth out or broken; coarse features.
Holmes, Thomas. Forgery. Age 25 years; height 5 feet 9 inches; weight 126 to 140 pounds; color white; complexion light; dark eyebrows; hair red; occupation cowboy; light red beard; an anchor tatooed on one arm; slim build and sluggish; might be taken for an Englishman; his place of residence has been the counties of LaSalle, Zavalla and Uvalde.
Johnson, Sam
Alias Bennett.
Liondecker, J.B. Accomplice in swindling over $20. Age 43 years; height 5 feet 9 inches; weight 145 pounds; color white; complexion light; eyes dark; hair dark; occupation gambler; wears black mustache and chin beard. Two charges.
Martinez, Lucas. Theft of horse. Age 18 years; height 5 feet 8 inches; weight 150 pounds; color light; Mexican.
Mccarty, Wm. Assault to kill. Age 35 years; height 5 feet 7 inches; weight 135; color dark; complexion yellow; hair black; occupation store keeper; long black mustache.
Mccurdy, W. S. Embezzelment over $20.
Murphy, Mack. Forgery.
Ness, Harry. Seduction.
Parsons, H. C.
Alias H.C. Henry.
Swindling over $20. Age 22 years; color white; complexion light; occupation laundryman.
Powers, A. J. Theft over $20. Color white; occupation railroad breakman.
Reale, Sam. Theft of horse. Age 24 years; height 5 feet 5 inches; color white; complexion dark; eyes black; slender build; hair black and curly; heavy mustache; said to have lived in New Braunfels, Comal county, Texas.
Richadson, S. J. Swindling over $20.
Shean, James. Swindling.
Simon, J. S. Swindling over $20. Color white; occupation restaurant keeper; was formerly in restaurant business at Austin.
Vidal, Alois. Theft of horse.
Warner, Prince. Rape. Age 45 years; height 5 feet 11 inches; weight 150 pounds; color white; complexion light; eyes blue; hair dark; occupation safe repairer. Little stoop shouldered; wore full beard except shaved on chin.
Weil, Fred. Perjury. Age 20 years; height 5 feet 6 inches; weight 140 pounds; color white; complexion light; eyes blue, hair black; occupation handling horses; is a Jew; medium build; handles race horses and is often with shippers of horses; at night frequents variety shows and gambling houses and lounges about same.

Jesus Martinez, R. S. Lamber, Ottis Owens alias Ody Owens, Juan Reendez, George Moore alias Geo Whitney, Sam Martin alias Rodges, Ella Rollins, Jno A Rahn, Eugene Navarro, L. W. Gentle, Pedro Castro, James Edgar, reported in fugitive list Part VI,
Monroe Graham alias Pun Graham, J. E. P. Richardson, reported in Part IV,
H. P. Crandall, E. W. Marshall, P. W. Marshall, P. B. Marshall, reported in Part II, have been arrested.